We offer up the pray the prayer the Apostle Paul penned for each of you (Ephesians 1:17-23 / Ephesians 3:14-21 /
Colossians 1:9-14) as you approach The Word of God...
“Father, we give thanks to You for these that hear these messages, and we pray that the God of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory, may give each one of them the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge
of Jesus, and that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened; that they may know what is the hope of their
calling, and what the riches of the glory of their inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness
of Your power toward them is, according to the working of Your mighty power, which You wrought in Christ,
when You raised him from the dead, and set him at Your own right hand in heavenly places, far above all
principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also
in that which is to come: and has put all things under his feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the
Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all.
“For this cause we bow our knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in
heaven and earth are named, that He would grant each one of them according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in their inner man; that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith; that
being rooted and grounded in Love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length,
and depth, and height; and to know the Love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that each and every one of
them might be filled with the knowledge of Your Will in all Wisdom of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful
in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to God’s
glorious power unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power
that works in us, unto Him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.”
— AMEN and AMEN!
Fight the Good Fight of Faith
In 1 Timothy 6, verse 12, we’re told: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” This reveals a couple things: first, there is a fight; and secondly, it’s a good fight.
A good fight is one that you fight and win; and remember, our fight is not with flesh and blood, but “though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare aren’t fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)” – 2 Corinthians 10:3 & 4.
The Apostle Paul encourages Timothy in his fight as such: “This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before you, that by them, you might war a good warfare; Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some, having put away concerning faith, have made shipwreck…” (1 Timothy 1:18 & 19).
Ephesians 6 tells us each of the pieces of Amour we’re to wear in battle, with the Word of God being our Sword. The Word of God in our mouth is the weapon that will defeat the fights we encounter in life. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy that he might war a good warfare (fight a good fight), according to the prophecies (The Word of God) that’s before him. He was to use those prophesies (The Word) in his fight and do it with a good conscience. Others putting away their faith, made their lives like a shipwreck.
Being fully persuaded (Romans 4) in our heart that the Word of God is true and that it is true to you personally.
Partakers of God's Divine Nature
2Pe 1:1 - 4
1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, Confirm Your Calling and Election 3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: :4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
God has provided the means whereby Christians CAN be partakers of HIS Divine Nature. It's through Grace and peace, and those things that give Life and godliness — ALL through the Knowledge of God and our Lord, Jesus Christ. With these, verse four tells us that we can be partakers of the divine nature --- obtaining His DNA — God's Divine Nature and Attributes.
The Sower Sows The WORD
Matthew 13 / Mark 4 / Luke 8, all contains the parable “The Sower Sows the Word.” Each gospel version has a part that is not within the other gospels. From these we find out the the soil represents our heart, the Seed is The Word of God, and that each one of us have various debris in our lives and those contaminates will stiffen the yield rate of, or in, our lives as well. The Word also gives us the answer to getting rid of these types of debris in Ephesians 5:26 - allowing The Word to flush out these impurities by a strong dose of The Word. Just as one wouild put a glass of dirty water under a faucet and turn the water on, it will flush up and out that impurity and you’ll end up with clear, clean water. So, The Word could do the same.
Every Seed produces after its own kind, so, if I desire a healing harvest, I need to pland healing seed; needing a financial harvest then I would plant financial seed. Whatever the need - I have the Seed available to me to produce a harvest and fulfill that need.
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
“The WORD and The SPIRIT”
The Greatest Outpouring of The Holy Spirit — The Word and The Spirit
God's desire has been a Family. A Family that's filled with His Word and with His Spirit. Jesus secured that possiblity when He died for humanity. That possiblity is available to whoever will receive Jesus (their substitiute for their Sin) as their personal Lord. Then the life of that believer is one of continual learning and living by The Word of God, becoming more and more Christ-like in word and action. The Anointing by The Spirit is to equip one for service. Service of doing the works of Jesus (John 14:12) and ushering in The Glory of God to this world in which we live in. We're to occupy, yes, but more importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to move in, through, and out of us showing this world that there is a God Who loves them and that He is ALIVE. Many prophecies have been uttered concerning these last days—the days we're living in right now—and God chose us for this time and place to be a part in fulfilling those prophecies ushering in The Kingdom in its fullest. We must determine to be a vessel of honor to see that task is accomplished.
Study, meditate, renew our mind-set to His Word and to His directions. God has faith in us; let's please the Father and get it done for The Greater One is IN us!
“Bringing Prosperity to the Soul”
Prosperity is wholeness to the WHOLE man, Spirit, Soul, Body, Financially and socially. Success in every area of life. It's the abundant life that Jesus mentioned in John 10:10. God's creation (man ... mankind) is to be His under ruler in life. Prosperity is how God operates and does things. He doesn't do things hap-hazarredly or sloppy. It starts with a right attitude of the heart. Deuteronomy 8:18, God speaking says: “But thou shall remember the Lord your God: for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His Covenant...” The real purpose of wealth is to promote and establish God's Covenant in this earth. Lack of knowledge of this truth and a lack of knowledge in bringing this Truth to pass will render His Will inoperative in our lives. With knowledge, we can fund the Gospel throughout this world and BE the witnesses to God's power to us in obtaining the means to accopmplish this. Renewing the mind to His promises is where we must start. Establishing a mind-set that it is His Will and His method to get the Word out to a dying and needful world. Prosperity of the Soul is gettting this mind-set IN us to reflect His true purpose of wealth. "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus..." (Philippians 2:5-7).
As new-born children of the Living God, we are expected to live at a higher level of life. A Spiritual level, on God’s intended level: health and prosperity in all manner of life. We are to be a BLESSING (benefit) to all we come in contact with. The Vine is the life-giving force by which the branches bear fruit.
John 15:7 tells us that IF Jesus ABIDES in us AND (IF) His Word ABIDES in us, (then) we can ask what we want and the Father will give it to us. The word “ABIDE” refers NOT to “visitation,” rather “habitation.” God doesn’t want to visit us... He desires to LIVE in us and through that union, show this world His Love for them as well.
As new-born children of the Living God, we are expected to live at a higher level of life. A Spiritual level, on God’s intended level: health and prosperity in all manner of life. We are to be a BLESSING (benefit) to all we come in contact with. The Vine is the life-giving force by which the branches bear fruit.
John 15:7 tells us that IF Jesus ABIDES in us AND his Word ABIDES in us, (then) we can ask what we want and the Father will give it to us. The word "ABIDE" refers NOT to "visitation," rather "habitation." God doesn't want to visit us... He desires to LIVE in us and through that union, show this world His Love for them as well.
You can step into your greatest place with God – the place of His abounding grace. His grace has provided so much more than people are receiving. Finding the biblical path to receiving from His abundant supply will take your life into a new place in Him.
Standing in the Place of Grace opens up a fresh and powerful way to experience God’s design for your life. This study will shed light and open your understanding to they systems God created for His influence and BLESSING to increase for every believer.
Habakkuk 2:14 & ch. 3:2-5
“Too many Christians view revival as icing on the cake – something that would taste sweet but isn’t really necessary. What they don’t realize is that revival must occur in order for mankind to realize God’s purpose in this earth. That’s why our cry must be Revive Us, Oh Lord.” ~ Mac Hammond (Revival = to restore, declare or show Life)
The Prophet cried for God to restore His work. Jesus said in John 14 verse 12; “the works that I do you will do also, greater work than these.” There MUST come a Revival of God’s Work through the Church (the Body of Christ) in these last days. A Revival of God’s work is a display of God’s Presence, Power and Goodness: THE GLORY. That display is what is needed, now, to bring about real social reform and prepare the way for the Lord’s Return.
Habakkuk 2:14 & ch. 3:2-5
“Too many Christians view revival as icing on the cake – something that would taste sweet but isn’t really necessary. What they don’t realize is that revival must occur in order for mankind to realize God’s purpose in this earth. That’s why our cry must be Revive Us, Oh Lord.” ~ Mac Hammond (Revival = to restore, declare or show Life)
The Prophet cried for God to restore His work. Jesus said in John 14 verse 12; “the works that I do you will do also, greater work than these.” There MUST come a Revival of God’s Work through the Church (the Body of Christ) in these last days. A Revival of God’s work is a display of God’s Presence, Power and Goodness: THE GLORY. That display is what is needed, now, to bring about real social reform and prepare the way for the Lord’s Return.
Faith! An extremely important aspect to the Christian Life and how to live that life in Christ. The Bible is God talking to mankind – it’s God’s voice to us. The Bible is God’s guide on how to live and operate in the Kingdom of God on this earth. So, it is vitally important that we know what the Bible says about this great subject of FAITH! Questions like: “Are we to Live by Faith?” / “What is Faith?” / “Who Has Faith?” / “How Does Faith Come?” / “How is Faith Developed?” / “How is Faith Released?” and “Are there Hinderances to Faith?” just to mention a few. Without Faith it is impossible to please the Father (Heb. 11:6) SO, Faith must be important to know about and to operate in it. Maybe you’ve heard some of these teachings... a fresh look at the subject of Faith may be just what we need to correct our walk, our talk, our life — besides, if nothing else, it’ll strengthen what we already know. Faith comes by hearing and hearing (and hearing... and hearing...) so let’s hear once more and grow in our life a little clearer to those that are watching us.
Jesus said, "My Words are SPIRIT and they are LIFE..." (John 6:63). The Word (Jesus) informs us that the WORD of God (again, Jesus - John 1:1-3; Rev. 19:13), IS both spirit and life. God's Faith is contained in His Word as well (Rom. 10:17) and without FAITH, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith comes by hearing The Word and that Word is LIFE, therefore Faith has a life to it — it contains a living faith within it. Therefore when we speak The Word of God, we are releasing, or "bringing forth" (Mt. 12:35) life into this earth realm. Speak Life - speak The Word - speak Faith. You do it.
This series is meant to bring The Church to an understanding of the yoke-destroying power of God: THE ANOINTING. This power of the Holy Spirit will stop the enemy from his plan to steal, kill and destroy. God’s plan to bring victory to every believer over Satan and his operation is found in 1 John 5:4 — THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD — OUR FAITH!
Volume 2 — Walking God’s Way
Volume 1 — This Is That